L-A Frances 6 mins read 04/04/2024

Cleaning the toilet is usually an unpleasant and dreadful task, but it is an essential household chore that helps in maintaining a hygienic and clean home. A clean toilet not only promotes good health but also contributes to a pleasant living space. We will be exploring the importance of keeping our toilets clean, the best practices and techniques for cleaning the toilet effectively, and ensuring a germ-free and fresh-smelling bathroom.

The Importance of Cleaning the Toilet

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of cleaning the toilet, it's important to understand why it's so important to do so. A dirty toilet can harbor a wide range of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms that can cause illness and infection. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the toilet is one of the most contaminated surfaces in the home, with fecal matter and other bacteria present on the seat, handle, and surrounding areas. In addition to the health risks, a dirty toilet can also be a breeding ground for unpleasant odors and stains. When not properly cleaned, the toilet can become a source of embarrassment and discomfort for family members and guests. Furthermore, a dirty toilet can also be a sign of poor hygiene and can lead to the spread of illness in the home.

Materials Required for Cleaning

When it comes to cleaning the toilet, it's important to use the right products to get the job done effectively. Here are some of the best cleaning products to use for cleaning the toilet:

  1. Toilet bowl cleaner: It is a must-have for cleaning the toilet. Look for a product that is acid-based and contains hydrochloric acid, which can dissolve mineral deposits and stains
  2. Toilet brush: It is essential for scrubbing the inside of the toilet bowl and removing any stubborn stains or mineral deposits. Look for a brush with soft bristles that won't scratch the porcelain.
  3. Toilet scrubber: It is a handy tool for scrubbing the toilet bowl and removing any stubborn stains or mineral deposits. Look for a scrubber with a long handle and soft bristles.
  4. Toilet disinfectant: It is important for killing bacteria and viruses in the toilet. Look for a product that contains bleach or quaternary ammonium compounds, which are effective against a wide range of pathogens.
  5. Rubber gloves: It is essential in protecting your hands from germs and chemicals.
  6. Paper towels or microfiber cloth: For drying and wiping surfaces.
  7. Baking soda and vinegar (optional): Natural alternatives for cleaning.

Safety Precautions to Take Before Cleaning the Toilet

Cleaning the toilet can be a hazardous task as it involves handling potential harmful chemicals and microbiological agents. Therefore, it is essential to take the appropriate safety measures before getting started. Here are a few safety precautions to remember:

  •  Wear protective gloves to avoid coming into direct contact with any harmful substances.
  • Open the bathroom window or keep the door open to ensure proper ventilation.
  • Do not mix bleach and ammonia-based cleaners as they can produce hazardous fumes.
  • Label and store all cleaning products in a safe place out of children's reach.

Step-by-step guide on how to clean the toilet

1. Gather the necessary supplies: Before starting the cleaning process, it is important to gather all the necessary supplies. This will save time and ensure that you have everything you need at hand.

2. Prepare the toilet bowl: Before diving into the actual cleaning process, it is important to prepare the toilet properly. Turn the water supply off to the toilet, then flush the toilet to empty its contents. Pour hot water into the toilet bowl until it is halfway full, then apply the toilet bowl cleaner or your preferred homemade cleaning solution. Allow the cleaning solution to sit in the bowl for at least 20-30 minutes to help break down any stains and grime.

3. Clean the toilet bowl: Use a toilet brush to scrub the entire bowl thoroughly. Scrub in circular motions to ensure that you clean the entire bowl. Pay extra attention to the waterline and under the rim. Use a scrub brush for the hard-to-reach areas. After brushing, flush the toilet to rinse any residue, and repeat the process if necessary.

4. Wipe down the toilet seat and lead: Spray the disinfectant cleaner onto the toilet seat and lid. Allow the cleaner to sit for one minute before wiping it off with a microfiber cleaning cloth or paper towel. Pay special attention to any grooves, hinges, and hard-to-reach areas. Dispose of the cleaning cloth or paper towel in the trash bin.

5. Clean the inside of the toilet tank: Lift the lid off the tank and pour some of the cleaning solution into the tank. Using a scrub brush, scrub the sides and bottom of the tank to remove any grime, mold, and mildew that may have accumulated. Finally, flush the toilet to rinse the tank thoroughly.

6. Clean the exterior surfaces around the toilet: Spray the disinfectant cleaner onto the exterior surfaces around the toilet, including the base, handle, and surrounding walls. Use a microfiber cloth or paper towel to clean and wipe the surfaces, then use the spray bottle filled with white vinegar to spray the surfaces. The vinegar will kill any remaining bacteria and remove any stains. Finally, use a clean microfiber cloth or paper towel to dry the surfaces.

7. Address hard water stains: Hard water stains are mineral deposits that are left behind when water evaporates. These stains typically appear as white or off-white spots or streaks. Hard water stains can be stubborn and difficult to remove. Using baking soda and vinegar is one way to combat hard water stains. Sprinkle baking soda inside the toilet bowl, focusing on areas with stains. Pour vinegar over the baking soda and let it fizz for a few minutes. Scrub with a toilet brush and flush.    There are also various commercial cleaners available specifically designed to remove hard water stains. You just have to follow the instructions on the product for best results.

8. Clean the floor around the toilet: Clean the floor around the toilet using the disinfectant cleaner and the scrub brush. Pay close attention to the areas around the base where urine or other fluids may have splattered. Wipe the area with a microfiber cleaning cloth or paper towel, and use a dry microfiber cloth to dry the surface.

9. Rinse and dry: Turn the water supply back on, then flush the toilet several times to rinse away any cleaning residues. Once done, use a dry microfiber cloth or paper towel to dry the toilet bowl, seat, and exterior surfaces. Ensure that the toilet is left clean and dry.


Additional Tips to Consider When Cleaning the Toilet

1. Always wear rubber gloves to protect your skin from harsh chemicals and bacteria.

2. Clean your toilet regularly to prevent stubborn stains and lime buildup.

3. Avoid using abrasive cleaners or scrubbers that can scratch the toilet or cause damage.

4. Use homemade cleaning solutions like vinegar and baking soda, which are budget-friendly and effective in cleaning.

5. Clean the toilet brush and keep it stored in a container filled with a disinfecting solution when not in use.

6. Teach your family members to clean the toilet properly to maintain good hygiene in your home.


Additional Tips for Maintaining a Clean Toilet

  • Use toilet bowl fresheners: Consider using toilet bowl fresheners or drop-in tablets to keep your toilet smelling fresh between cleanings.
  • Keep a toilet brush nearby: Place a toilet brush within easy reach of the toilet so that it can be used for quick touch-ups as needed.
  • Close the lid before flushing: Closing the lid before flushing can help prevent the spread of bacteria and germs in the bathroom.
  • Regularly replace toilet brushes: Over time, toilet brushes can become dirty and harbor bacteria. It is important to replace them regularly to maintain cleanliness.

                In conclusion, cleaning the toilet may not be a favorite task for most of us, but it is an essential part of maintaining a healthy and sanitary bathroom environment. With the right equipment and techniques, you can clean your toilet quickly and efficiently. Remember to follow the safety precautions and additional tips provided in this article to ensure that you clean your toilet effectively.

 Happy Cleaning!




Author -- L-A Frances

Lomo joined the company in September 2023 as a Property Management Trainee.