L-A Frances 3 mins read 04/04/2024

Every kitchen or bathroom has a sink, as it is an essential feature that serves as an area for cleaning dishes, utensils, and personal hygiene. Proper maintenance is crucial in ensuring its longevity and optimal performance. Neglecting sink maintenance can lead to clogs, unpleasant odors, and even costly repairs. It is vital we know how to handle and maintain our sinks to keep them in top-notch conditions. Hence, the focus of this article is to guide us on the dos and don’ts to ensure a clean and hygienic sink that will last for years. 


  1. Rinse Dishes Before Putting Them in the Sink: 
    Rinsing dishes before placing them in the sink is an important habit to develop, as it helps prevent food particles from accumulating in the drain and causing clogs. Removing excess food debris minimizes the risk of blockages, keeping your sink clean, odorless, and running smoothly.
  2. Use a Strainer to Catch Food Particles:
    In addition to rinsing dishes, using a strainer or drain guard can be highly effective in catching food particles that may escape down the drain. These inexpensive accessories fit over the drain opening and prevent larger debris from entering the pipes. Regularly emptying the strainer will help maintain proper water flow and prevent clogs.
  3. Use a Plunger to Clear a Clog if Necessary:
    Despite taking preventive measures, clogs can still occur over time. If you do encounter a clog in your sink, using a plunger can often resolve the issue. Make sure to use a sink plunger specifically designed for sinks, as it has a flat bottom that creates a better seal. Ensure there is enough water in the sink to cover the plunger's rubber cup, then create a seal around the drain and vigorously plunge up and down. The pressure created should dislodge the clog and restore proper drainage. This method is effective for minor clogs and can save you from calling a plumber.
  4. Clean the Sink Regularly with a Mild Detergent and Water:
    Regular cleaning is vital to maintain both the appearance and functionality of your sink. Use a mild detergent or dish soap along with warm water to clean the surface thoroughly. Avoid abrasive cleaners or scrub brushes that may scratch the sink's finish. After cleaning, rinse the sink with water and dry it with a soft cloth to prevent water spots and mineral buildup. Additionally, wipe down the sink after each use to prevent the buildup of soap scum or mineral deposits.


  1. Don't Pour Grease, Oil, or Fat Down the Drain:
    One of the most common mistakes people make is pouring grease, oil, or fat down the sink drain. These substances solidify as they cool, leading to blockages and clogged pipes. Instead, allow them to cool and dispose of them in a sealed container or the trash. Alternatively, you can collect grease in a separate container and recycle it in your area.
  2. Don't Flush Feminine Hygiene Products, Diapers, or Wipes Down the Drain:
    Flushing non-biodegradable items such as feminine hygiene products, diapers, or wipes down the drain can cause significant plumbing issues. These items do not break down easily and can lead to clogs deep within the pipes. Dispose of these items properly by wrapping them securely and placing them in a waste bin.
  3. Don't Put Large Food Items Down the Drain: 
    Avoid putting large food scraps or leftovers directly into the sink drain. Even with a garbage disposal unit, large pieces can cause blockages or damage to the disposal blades. Instead, scrape excess food into the trash or compost bin before rinsing dishes.
  4. Don't Leave Food Particles in the Sink:
    Leaving food particles in the sink, even for a short period, can attract pests and create unpleasant odors. It is essential to scrape off food scraps into the trash or compost bin after each meal. This simple habit will prevent bacteria buildup and keep your sink clean and fresh.

Proper sink maintenance is vital to ensure a clean and efficient kitchen or bathroom. By following the dos and don'ts mentioned earlier, you can avoid clogs, maintain proper drainage, and prevent costly repairs. Remember to rinse dishes, use a strainer, and clean your sink regularly. Additionally, avoid pouring grease or flushing non-disposable items down the drain. By incorporating these simple tips into your sink maintenance routine, you can enjoy a clean and functional sink for years to come. So, take care of your sink, and it will take care of you!



Author -- L-A Frances

Lomo joined the company in September 2023 as a Property Management Trainee.